Atlantic Water Gardens Typhoon Sludge Remover

Atlantic Water Gardens


Atlantic Water Gardens Sludge Remover boasts fast sludge digestion that decomposes both vegetation and fish waste. Perfect for wading and swimming areas, as it is both plant and fish safe. Can clear up to 5 inches of muck per year when regularly applied as directed.
  • Safe for fish, plants, livestock and pets
  • Eight 1/2oz tablets treat 500 square feet every two weeks
  • 6lb bucket contians 192 tablets, 24lb bucket contains 768 tablets
Pond Size (Square Footage) Dosage Rate (Every 2 Weeks)
250 square feet 4 Tablets
500 square feet 8 Tablets
1000 square feet 16 Tablets

SKU UPC Code Description
TPWSR06 727429170052 Sludge Remover 6lb
TPWSR24 727429170069 Sludge Remover 24lb

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