EasyPro Axiom Skimmers


SKU: PSA5000

EasyPro Axiom Pond Skimmers feature an innovative front-to-back design, placing the pump behind the debris net instead of beside it.

  • Adjustable overflow allows finished pond level to be adjusted
  • One piece aluminum framed debris net makes cleaning quick and easy
  • Factory-installed spinweld bulkhead fittings allow installation of 1-2 pumps
  • PSA5000/7000 compatible with PS1 molded faux rock lid
  • PSA5000/7000/9000 compatible with SETS2 extension tube
  • Includes tube of black silicone
SKU Description Inlet Bulkheads Dimensions Wt
PSA5000 5000gph Axiom Skimmer 6" (2x) 2" 29" x 19" x 21"H  35lb
PSA7000 7000gph Axiom Skimmer 8"
PSA9000 9000gph Axiom Skimmer 8" (2x) 2"
(1x) 3"
33" x 19" x 23"H 44lb
PSA11000 11000gph Axiom Skimmer 10"

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