Aquascape® Pond Aeration Kits for Small Ponds


SKU: 75000

The Aquascape® Pond Aeration Kits for Small Ponds will effectively oxygenate your pond, helping all biological processes and creating a more stable environment, resulting in healthier fish and plants. 

  • Durable outer pump housing protects it from damage
  • Wide, flat shape base of the pump makes it stable and easy to place
  • Rubber gasket in air pump and rubber feet prevents noise and vibration
  • Replaceable diaphragm and assembly cartridge makes pump easy to service
  • Includes winter-resistant 3/16" silicone airline with preassembled check valves
  • Includes 4" diameter weighted air stones
  • Extremely quiet, durable and energy-efficient
  • Simple to use and maintain
  • 3 year warranty

Why do I Need an Aerator?
Every process that happens in the pond is dependent on oxygen. This is especially important at night when plants are not converting CO2 into oxygen. Dissolved oxygen levels are also generally lower in warmer water temperatures. Aeration is also very important during winter months in colder climates, as aeration helps to keep a small hole open in the surface of the pond to aid in degassing.

SKU UPC Code Airline Discs Max
Watts Amps Power
75000 742575750002 50' (25' x 2) 2 8.5' 6 0.06 6'
75001 742575750019 100' (25' x 4) 4 9.2' 11 0.1 6'

Note: Pump should be placed indoors, free of dust and debris. If pump is losing air pressure or doesn't work well, renew kits are available that can restore pump function.

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