EasyPro Compact Aeration Series "CAS" Pond Aeration Kits



The Compact Aeration Series supplies oxygen levels and circulation during the hot summer months, de-icing and gas exchange during the freezing winter months. The CAS pond aeration kits provide this important pond and fish care with quiet, energy-efficient operation. Great for aquariums, water gardens, or Koi ponds. Compressors require proper enclosure when used outdoors.

Kit include:

  • Compressor, with high and low flow options, 6' power cord, 2 year warranty
  • 3/16" black vinyl tubing
  • Air stone diffuser(s) for use in water up to 4' deep
  • Check valve(s) for preventing water backflow
 SKU Maximum
Pond Size
Air Flow
Diffusers and
Check Valves
CAS1 1000 gallons 4 Lpm
2.7W 25' 1 each
CAS2 2000 gallons 8.5 Lpm 4.0W 50' (2 x 25') 2 each
CAS4 3500 gallons 17 Lpm 8.2W 100' (4 x 25') 4 each


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