EasyPro Natural Phosphate Binder



This natural, plant-based powder formulation provides a non-chemical alternative to using aluminum sulfate (Alum) in pond water. It not only binds phosphates, but buffers pH, provides 70 trace minerals, helps settle mud and clay particles, and aids in reducing ammonia!

  • Improves clarity and buffers pH
  • Reduces phosphates and ammonia
  • Provides trace minerals and stimulates biological activity

Why are Phosphates a Problem?
Phosphorus is an important nutrient for aquatic plants. The amount found in water is generally not more than 0.1 ppm, unless the water has become polluted from wastewater sources or excessive fertilizer runoff. When phosphorus exceeds the levels required for normal pond health, a process called eutrophication (premature aging) takes place. This causes problems with water quality and clarity. Phosphate Binder binds reactive phosphorus and removes it from the water column, improving water quality in ponds and lakes.

Use 3-5 pounds per acre-foot of water to lower phosphate levels. Best if used when water temperatures are above 50°F. To apply, mix with pond water to make a slurry, then slowly apply around the pond (either from boat or by walking around pond edge). Can be used at the same time as bacterial treatments, or by alternating Phosphate Binder and bacteria every other week.

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