EasyPro Pro-Series Large Pond Kits


SKU: EL2424

EasyPro Pro-Series Large Kits provide everything needed for your pond! Please note that any pond kits are designed for ponds of specific shape and size. If you have a specific pond project in mind, contact us and we can design and quote you a system!

All Pro-Series Large Kits include:

  • 45 mil Firestone liner and liner underlayment (see below)
  • Large Pro-Series Skimmer (PS2FB)
  • Large Pro-Series AquaFalls Filter (AL)
  • TM Series High-Volume Pump with 2-year warranty (see below)
  • 3" check valve assembly
  • 3" flexible PVC pipe (see below)
  • 1 gallon of All-Season Beneficial Bacteria (ASB128)
  • 4 underwater lights with transformer
  • WIK2 Installation Kit: PVC primer, glue, liner patch, black foam and 2 tubes of silicone
SKU Pond Size Liner Size Pump Size Flex Pipe Wt
EL2424 24' x 24' 30' x 30' TM9500 (9000gph) 3" x 50' 695lb
EL2434 24' x 34' 30' x 40' TM13500 (13500gph) 3" x 50' 810lb
EL3434 34' x 34' 40' x 40' TM13500 (13500gph) 3" x 75' 990lb

Ships by truck freight, which requires that you be present at time of delivery. Freight company will call to schedule an appointment.

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