EasyPro Deluxe Skid Mounted Filtration Systems


SKU: SMF1800

These deluxe filtration systems combine a pressurized bead filter with an external self-priming pump and a UV clarifier into one completely plumbed, ready-to-install, “plug and go” filter system! Simply plumb your incoming and outgoing water lines and you are ready to go.
  • Strong polyethylene filter body with six-position head
  • Includes Ultimate Tube Media (biological media)
  • Plumbing comes complete with unions at all connections for easy maintenance
  • Electrical post complete with 115v outlet and 15' power cord
  • Plumbing includes a bypass line around filter and UV clarifier
  • Filter comes complete with back flush blower upgrade
SKU MaxmPond Size Filter Pump UV Ski Wt
SMF1800 1800 gallons PBF1800 EXP3200 EPU36N 33" x 33" 109lb
SMF3600 3600 gallons PBF3600 EXP5000 EPUV35 33" x 33" 146lb
SMF6000 6000 gallons PBF6000 EXP6800 EPUV55 33" x 33" 166lb
SMF10000 10000 gallons PBF10000 EXP7800 EPUV75 48" x 48" 230lb

Ships by truck freight, which requires that you be present at time of delivery. Freight company will call to schedule an appointment.

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