Landon Aquatic Fertilizer 7803 12-20-8 by Plantabbs Products

Plantabbs Products

SKU: 1182

Landon Aquatic Fertilizer 7803 12-20-8 is a combination fertilizer developed by world renowned hybridizer Kenneth Landon and used in the International Waterlily Certified Collection and Repository in San Angelo, Texas. This high-potency formula is composed of organic and inorganic compounds that work together to get exceptional results at lower soil mass per plant, compared to other mixes. Large to average sized tropical nymphaea typically requires only 10-20 gallons of fertilized soil; small tropical or hardy lilies typically require only 5-10 gallons of fertilized soil; and marginal aquatics typically require only 1 gallon of fertilized soil for the 5 month season.

Use Directions
Follow usage instructions carefully. Combine the appropriate amount of fertilizer with soil (see table below), and fill your container 75% full. Add the tuber and fill the remaining 25% of the pot with unfertilized soil. Cover the top layer with gravel and place in the pond, preferably when water temperatures are from 60° to 90°.

Fertilizer to Soil Ratio Typical Uses
90 Days
1 to 50
(2.5oz to 1 Gallon)
Increase soil mass or pot size for
undisturbed rooted, potted nymphaea
Full Strength
60 Days
1 to 64
(2.0oz to 1 Gallon)
Repotting nymphaea that has
minor to extensive root injury
All-Purpose Mix
45 Days
1 to 85
(1.5oz to 1 Gallon)
Germinating tropical tubers;
germinating juvenile rhizomes
Starter Mix
1 to 128
(1.0oz to 1 Gallon)
New seedlings
Plants Mix
1 to 250
(0.5oz to 1 Gallon)
Marginal plants

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