Live Money-Wort Bacopa (Potted) - Local Pickup Only

Practical Garden Ponds

SKU: Potted - 66

Money-wort Bacopa is hearty in zones 8 thru 12.  It is a bog plant that can actually grow above or below the water so it can also be used fully submerged as an oxygen producer.  

These are in a 6" tall or 8" short pot.   Most bog plants can be kept in a pot in shallow water with occasional fertilization, but do much better in an up-flow bog where they will receive nutrition and perform an important function by removing nitrates from your pond water.   As mentioned, these can also be kept fully submerged. 

Locally grown by a private grower here in Downingtown PA, for the convenience of our local customers we offer a limited selection of locally grown bog and water plants.  

Pay first.  You may pickup after your order is confirmed as ready.  Orders that cannot be filled within 24 hours due to reasons beyond our control, will be cheerfully refunded. 

These orders must be picked up by the buyer and PA state tax must be paid on all plant orders.     

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