Microbe-Lift® Super Start Bead Filter Bacteria



Like most types of mechanical/biological filters, bead filters rely on the use of a media that provides a high surface area/volume ratio. This allows for support of the necessary amount of biomass to properly remove organic and inorganic waste from the water, making it suitable for fish and other normal aquatic life. For these filters to function properly, it is necessary to have proper numbers and distribution of species. Microbe-Lift® Super Start contains aerobic heterotrophs, facultative anaerobes, anaerobic and chemotrophic bacteria capable of carrying out all of the necessary processes for optimum performance of bead filters.

  • Rapid establishment of organic removal capabilities
  • Rapid establishment of nitrogen cycling, including nitrification and denitrification
  • Reduces buildup of residue in the filter, decreasing maintenance and improving filter efficiency by avoiding "channeling"
  • Rapid recovery of filter after use of medications and antibiotics
  • Significantly reduces noxious odors caused by algae, fish waste and hydrogen sulfide
  • Effective over a wide pH range

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