Oase Pondovac 3 Pond Vacuum Nozzles and Parts


SKU: 13910

The following replacement parts and replacement nozzles are available for the Oase Pondovac 3 Pond Vacuum.

SKU UPC Code Description
13910 706759139106 Set of (2) Wheels
25389 706759253895 String Algae Nozzle
35398 706759353984 Vacuum Seals Kit
43990 706759439909 Intake Distributor
43992 706759439923 Discharge Hose
43995 706759439954 Vacuum Distributor
43996 706759439961 Filter Foam
43999 706759439992 Filter Retainer Plate
44000 706759440004 Black Suction Extension Tube
44002 706759440028 Drain Plug
44003 706759440035 Clear Suction Extension Tube
44005 706759440059 Debris Bag
44010 706759440103 Gravel Nozzle
44024 706759440240 Spare Handle Set
44026 706759440264 (1) Clamp with Hinge
44029 706759440295 Suction Hose
55448 706759554480 Discharge Extension Hose with Coupling
88510 706759885102 Motor Head

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